The campaign was staggering success – we ran with 23 offers, 19 competitions and saw over 20k unique visits to the bespoke landing page. It highlights how well these flash sale type offers can work and that being involved in a promotion like this can be positive for the brand / event, as they rewards fans, is ultra-limited so is unlikely to annoy existing purchases and benefits from being attached to the additional marketing we can put behind the campaign, including (in certain circumstances) ad retargeting.   

Some Key Stats Below:

  • 23 Bespoke Leap Day Offers Live during the campaign
  • 19 Bespoke LEap Day Competitions Live during the campaign
  • 1.5K + Tickets Sold
  • 800 + Tickets sold for the top selling offer
  • 9.5K Competition Entries
  • Genres covered covered included Sport, Festivals, Music, Comedy, Theatre, Family, Arts
  • 20K + total site visits to the Leap Day page

If you’d like to discuss offers for your events please contact [email protected]
